Monday, March 24, 2014

what you would leave behind to represent you in your crave art.

I would leave behind my hand print with my name on it to repasent the person how did the crave art. I have to say this would make someone maybe wont to leave crave art behind to let someone see there cave art. One thing is that if you leave cave art behing it give other poeple stuff to study what happend when they where living in a cave and what they did to leave cave art on the wall with there hand or there family if they had a family or maybe some of there blood that the could of put on the wall so if someone sees it they can take some of it off the wall and to see who been in there whos been doing all this cave art but one thi8ng is that when you do cave art it's toldly differnt because your doing cave art that you did it not somebody else you actually made cave art and its something to be proud of to do .

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